Monday, 8 August 2011

Shopping and Training!

Over the weekend Lynsey and I decided to take advantage of my last few days of freedom and went a bit shopping mad! Spent rather a lot but got some lovely new things - here are just a few...

Who would have thought it eh, me in skinny jeans?! But somehow they were more flattering than the bootleg pair I tried on, don't know how that works! Got 2 plaid shirts and I am loooving them. Been wanting one for ages but could never get the right fit, so glad to have lost a bit of weight and now find ones that fit and I am comfortable with! 

New BLUE shoes, loving these! I don't have any 'sensible' closed toe heels since I had to throw away my old favourites in January so loving that and the colour is fab. From Republic.

Also got some new much needed cardis and a new scarf that has butterflies on it, loving the new gold accents, goes with my new handbag!

Moving on - today I was in Exeter for training for my new job. It was BEYOND exhausting as I had to get up at 5:20am in order to be on the right train and there for 9am, got a bit windswept on the way to the station and then had to have photos taken when I got there - brilliant! This is like my Passport fiasco all over again (horrendous picture you're stuck with for aaages). 

The training itself went quite well but the whole system is far more complicated that I expected. I'm sure it will make much more sense when I am using it practically but using the training version for files I had no idea about was rather confusing! Hopefully I can wrap my head around that pretty quickly!

Lady luck was not on my side though as I missed my train home by 3 minutes and had to wait an hour at Exeter St. David's on a rather chilly day! And then promptly fell asleep on the train home; I'm sure I looked spectacular! 

Gonna be having an early night tonight. I had hoped to go swimming with Caz but I had such a headache and so over tired that I didn't think it was a good idea; don't want to drown - even with my spiffy new Life Insurance cover ;) [Speaking of: MA - I have put Lynsey down as the sole beneficiary as you need an address but this is legal proof that you are each (You, Pa, Laurie and Linz) entitled to a 25% share - obviously hopefully we don't need this, but just so ya know =P Mooorbid]

Right I think I should love you and leave you for now!

Back soon, 

Liv xxx

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